Get in Touch

There are a number of practical ways you can get involved with the Drug-ARM ministry here in Christchurch. Please call us on (03) 327 8839 or email: to find out more.

A Bold Target

We simply cannot do what we do without the generous support of our community. These are tough times for everyone and in light of this we are even more appreciative of the donations we receive – you really do help us make a difference! We have a bold, but we believe achievable target over the next 12 months – we want to increase the number of people supporting our work through weekly automatic payments:

Our target:

30 Silver level donors at $10 per week

15 Gold level donors at $30 per week

10 Platinum level donors at $50 per week

If this is something you are able to be a part of, we would love for you to come on board with us and start giving. If this is too much commitment, one off donations are also greatly appreciated!!

You can set-up an automatic (or one-off) payment with your bank to:

Drug-ARM Christchurch Branch, Westpac Bank, Account Number: 03-1592-0102258-000

NOTE: Please clearly label the transfer as “donation” with your surname. Please also inform us of the donation (and amount/tier) by email ( We will send a tax receipt for all donations at the end of the tax year.

Donating Supplies

We would love it if you would like to donate warm clothing (woollen blankets, socks, hats, warm clothing items) for us to provide to people through the Street Van Outreach.

Donations and Sponsorship

While the Drug-ARM ministry receives some limited funding for the provision of contracted services, we still rely heavily on money received through charitable trusts, businesses, churches and private sponsors. This funding is essential for us as it enables us to work with people based on their needs and desire for help rather than set criteria or context which generally is the case with contracted funding.